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Live theatre is a community service


Mission Statement:
The Templeton High School Drama Program fosters skills and knowledge of theatre arts and
nurtures personal growth and creativity in students through educational theatre. The program
also entertains and educates its audiences with a wide variety of plays and performances from
many eras and genres. THS Drama actively promotes community involvement in theatre arts as
a life-long endeavor.
Ms. Kingsbury’s philosophy as a theatre teacher and director stems from being a high school
educator first. It's important to me that the students learn skills and information that will help
them at the next level of their education or career training--whatever that may be. If they want to
pursue a career in theatre, then they will be well prepared. If they want to pursue a career in
anything else, they will also be prepared with good communication skills and work ethics,
especially working in a team environment.
Students are involved in every aspect of theatre arts: technical, acting, directing, design, writing,
construction, production, marketing, and promotions. Students are encouraged to be innovative
and creative and have confidence in themselves and their ideas. THS Drama is a nurturing,
supportive, tolerant atmosphere where everyone can feel safe and valued. Fostering a
supportive family atmosphere among everyone is essential.


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